I designed all the assets for this project, the groundbreaking for the $150 million Colorado State University Laser Center collaboration with Marvel Fusion.

Design Campaign: CSU 2023 Engineering Undergraduate Assets
Working with college staff, in 2023 I designed a package of different undergraduate assets for student recruitment in the college.

Video: Spring 2022 CSU Engineering Days
I recorded and edited this video in 2022 as a social media wrapup for E-Days, a yearly celebration of senior design students

Video: Spring 2021 Commencement Around the Oval
I recorded and edited this commencement video in spring 2021 to celebrate students as they graduated from the college.

Video: CSU Civil Engineering Faculty
Client/Employer: Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering Colorado State University Video Creation for news article “Arab-American Frontiers Symposium co-chair investigates…

Website Design: KCSU FM
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media Website design and development www.kcsufm.com

Website Design: Rocky Mountain Collegian
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media Website design and development www.collegian.com

Multimedia: NAI Workshop 2007 Animation Reel
Client: National Association for Interpretation Video Presentation/Conference Opening Video Adobe Flash Animated, converted to video

Multimedia: NAI Workshop 2008 Animation Reel
Client: National Association for Interpretation Video Presentation/Conference Opening Video Adobe Flash Animated, converted to video

Multimedia: NAI Workshop 2009 Animation Reel
Client: National Association for Interpretation Video Presentation/Conference Opening Video Adobe Flash Animated, converted to video

Multimedia: SSI Diver Promotional CD
Client: Scuba Schools International Interactive/Screen Design Flash Animation, Design and Layout Windows/OS X CD Program

Multimedia: SSI Open Water Diver Promotional CD
Client: Scuba Schools International Interactive/Screen Design Flash Animation, Design and Layout Windows/OS X CD Program

Multimedia: Retro Promotion
Client: Fort Collins Coloradoan Flash/Multimedia Promotion/Presentation Humorous/Retro Campaign

Multimedia: September 11
Client: Fort Collins Coloradoan Flash/Multimedia Presentation September 11 Attacks

Multimedia: Big Thompson Flood
Client: Fort Collins Coloradoan Flash/Multimedia Presentation Big Thompson Flood 25th Anniversary Winner, 1st place (only one given that year), Special…