Working with climate scientists, I designed a flyer, brochure, and the full 112-page publication design for the Colorado Climate Center’s 2024 assessment report.

Design Campaign: CSU 2023 Engineering Undergraduate Assets
Working with college staff, in 2023 I designed a package of different undergraduate assets for student recruitment in the college.

Publication Design: 2026 CSU Engineering Strategic Plan
I designed and worked through the process of creating the 2026 Strategic Plan for the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering.

Flyer Design: 2022 ISDA Symposium
I created a double-sided, letter-sized flyer for the 8th International Symposium on Data Assimilation, hosted in 2022 by Colorado State University.

Publication Design: Colette and the Tiger
Client: John Urbancik Cover illustration and design ebook Cover Based on the story “Colette and the Tiger” by John Urbancik

Publication Design: Yours To Tell
Client: Apex Publications Cover Illustration and Jacket Design Yours To Tell: Dialogues on the Art & Practice of Writing by Steve…

Publication Design: Rosewater
Client: Apex Publications Cover/Jacket design Rosewater by Tade Thompson Cover art by Igor Vitkovskiy

Publication Design: Mars Girls
Client: Apex Publications Cover Design Mars Girls by author Mary Turzillo Cover art by Sasha Alexeeva

Publication Design: Next Time ebook
Client: Anissa Wood Cover illustration and design ebook Cover Based on the story “Next Time” by M.A. Wood

Publication Design: In The Light
Client: Omnium Gatherum Publications Cover illustration and design Wraparound print and ebook Based on the story “In the Light” by…

Publication Design: Queen of the Dead
Client: Vincenzo Bilof Cover illustration and design Wraparound Print and ebook Based on the story “Queen of the Dead” by…

Publication Design: Astoria
Client: Omnium Gatherum Publications Cover illustration and design Print and ebook Based on the story “Astoria” by S.P. Miskowski

Publication Design: Life as an Artist in Repose
Ebook layout and design, Cover and interior

Publication Design: Delphine Dodd
Client: Omnium Gatherum Publications Cover illustration and design Print and ebook Based on the story “Delphine Dodd” by S.P. Miskowski

Publication Design: The Resurrectionist
Client: Wrath James White ebook cover design Illustration “Gods in the Depths Below” by Russell Dickerson Based on the story “The…

Publication Design: Six Days
Client: Kelli Owen/Thunderstorm Books Cover illustration and design Based on the story “Six Days” by Kelli Owen Note: illustration used for…

Publication Design: Dereliction
Client: Cemetery Dance Cover illustration and design Based on the story “Dereliction” by Ray Garton

Publication Design: Murdered by Human Wolves
Client: Graveside Tales/Steven E. Wedel Cover illustration and design Based on the story “Murdered by Human Wolves” by Steven E. Wedel

Publication Design: Scratch
Client: Brian Keene Cover illustration and design ebook Based on the story “Scratch” by Brian Keene

Publication Design: The Attic
Client: Horror Express Cover illustration and design Based on the comic “The Attic” by Marc Shemmans and Russell Dickerson