I designed this campaign to increase awareness of the brand new construction engineering major at CSU.

Advertising/Signage Design: CSU Undergraduate Billboard
My design is for a billboard in Fort Collins, Colorado, to advertise the engineering undergraduate program at Colorado State University.

Design Campaign: CSU Laser Center
I designed all the assets for this project, the groundbreaking for the $150 million Colorado State University Laser Center collaboration with Marvel Fusion.

Campaign/Logo Design: CSU Welcome Home Projects
I designed assets in 2021 as students returned to campus and to hybrid classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Flyer Design: 2022 ISDA Symposium
I created a double-sided, letter-sized flyer for the 8th International Symposium on Data Assimilation, hosted in 2022 by Colorado State University.

Signage/Promotion: RMSMC Creative Services
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media Internal Signage/Promotion

Business Card: KCSU Promotional Card
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media House Promotion Business Card, Promotion and Information

Advertising: Student Media Exhibit Banner
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media House Promotion Giant Exhibit Banner (7′ x 5′)

Signage: KCSU Promotional Sign
Client: Rocky Mountain Student Media House Promotion Large Poster/Studio Promotion

Multimedia: SSI Diver Promotional CD
Client: Scuba Schools International Interactive/Screen Design Flash Animation, Design and Layout Windows/OS X CD Program

Advertising: Big Game BBQ
Client: Rocky Mountain Collegian Newspaper Ad/Promotion Set Print ads and web banners/headers

Multimedia: Retro Promotion
Client: Fort Collins Coloradoan Flash/Multimedia Promotion/Presentation Humorous/Retro Campaign